Dreama Pictures

Dreama Pictures is a film production company set up byfilmmaker MA XUE in Beijing, China. So far, the productionmade WHITE RIVER, a feature film directed by Ma Xue anois in the process of producing AROMA DREAM andSONATA OF WAVE. At the same time, the company is alsoinvolved in the production of Dayao Swims Against theFlow, the second feature film directed by ZhangTao. DayaoSwims Against the Flow won the first prize of L' atelier dela Cinefondation at the 73rd Cannes International FilmFestival, and was selected by the Venice Gap-FinancingMarket at Venice Festival 2023.

Ma Xue / Director / Producer / Write

Director Ma Xue was born in Beijing, China and received a double degree in Korean and art from Peking University. After graduating with a master's degree in Mass Media from Seoul University in South Korea, she studied for a doctorate in film at Hanyang University in South Korea. The movie “White River” is the first feature film written and directed Ma Xue in 2022. Her second feature film “Sonata of Wave” is in the global distribution, while she is completed her third film ”Aroma Dreams” in 2023 which is in post-production.
Please check out our completed work and projects currently in production. We also have a wide slate of projectsin development. For more information on these, please reach out to us in the contact box below.